Crafting Every Joyful Moments; One Fine Cake at a Time
KukkiHausu is an online bakery studio seated in a quiet spot of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Founded in October 2022, we offering ranges of hand-crafted butter cookies, fruit tart & healthy gluten-free cake. All beat and bake without compromising effort, time and quality. Expressing a ubiquitous yet invisible [love] in our bakery sweets is the philosophy of what we promise to you. It's somewhat deep in our hearts that we’d like to deliver an exquisite cakes that bring joy to your palate.
Featured Collections
- Gluten-Free Cakes | 无麸质蛋糕
- Celebration Fruit Tarts | 水果撻
- 『ℍ』Half-Half | Two flavors per box |綜合口味日式夾心餅乾
- Madeleines Gift Box|瑪德蓮常溫禮盒
私たちの周りの人々、対話、そして美しさに触発されています。 自分たちで食べたいベーカリースイーツを作っています。 最高品質の食材と寛大な手でそれらを焼くことを約束します